I’ve decided to include a Grunt task runner set-up within the theme’s Git repository. Again, I use Grunt for most projects, so it seemed sensible to include it. Note, I’ve also moved the sass directory into the utils directory. The provided Gruntfile.js is configured to: Run dart-sass on src/sass/main.scss Minify dist/css/main.css Uglify src/js/*.js Copy all […]
New Sass structure
I’ve updated the theme’s Sass structure to match the structure I’ve adopted for future projects. As before, just delete it if you do not need it. Commit here. Further reading: Structuring your Sass Projects
Basic Sass set-up included
I really want to keep this theme as non-opinionated as I can. That said, I use this theme as a starting point for a lot of projects and nearly every project uses Sass for compiling CSS. Therefore I’ve added some basic Sass structure to try and help reduce repetitive tasks. This commit details what I […]
Hello world!
Welcome to the demo site for the etc/skel WordPress theme. This site acts as a working demo for the theme, you can find out more about the theme the about page. You can download the theme from the download page or the theme’s GitHub repository.