etc/skel is a skeleton theme for WordPress. It is designed to be used as a starting point for developing your own WordPress themes.
Features have been kept to a minimum as it’s a skeleton theme. That said, a few basic features have been included to help prevent repetitive tasks.
- Required and basic files included:
- 404.php
- archive.php
- comments.php
- footer.php
- functions.php
- header.php
- index.php
- page.php
- pager.php
- search.php
- searchform.php
- single.php
- style.css
- Primary and footer menus
- Function files to enqueue additional CSS and JS files, with examples for loading conditional styles and scripts
- Function file for enabling theme support for:
- title-tag
- automatic-feed-links
- post-thumbnails
- html5
- custom-logo
- wp-block-styles
- align-wide
- responsive-embeds
- Optional Grunt task runner set-up provided within the utils directory to get you up and running quickly with a build system
You can report any issues with this theme via the theme’s GitHub issue tracker.